Anticipatory Coordination in Socio-technical Knowledge-intensive Environments: Behavioural Implicit Communication in MoK

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Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Fabrizio Riguzzi (eds.)
AI*IA 2015, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pages 102-115
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 9336
Springer International Publishing
23-25 September 2015

Some of the most peculiar traits of socio-technical KIE (knowledge-intensive environments) — such as unpredictability of agents’ behaviour, ever-growing amount of information to manage, fast-paced production/consumption — tangle coordination of information, by affecting, e.g., reachability by knowledge prosumers and manageability by the IT infrastructure. Here, we propose a novel approach to coordination in KIE, by extending the MoK model for knowledge self-organisation with key concepts from the cognitive theory of BIC (behavioural implicit communication).

keywordscoordination, socio-technical systems, MAS, behavioural implicit communication, MoK
origin event
journal or series
book Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
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reference publication for talk
page_white_powerpointAnticipatory Coordination in Socio-technical Knowledge-intensive Environments: Behavioural Implicit Communication in MoK (AI*IA 2015, 24/09/2015) — Stefano Mariani (Andrea Omicini, Stefano Mariani)